Blinds Installation Forum

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Found nice safety blinds!

I was walking around The Home Depot today and saw some of the nicest safety blinds ever. There are zero cords! Nothing dangles, so there's nothing for your pet or child to get tangled up in. You simply grasp the blinds at the bottom and push up to raise them and pull down to lower them. You aren't losing functionality either because you can still control the slats with the tilt wand. I have to say that it's a huge upgrade from the ugly cord tensioners and child safety tassels that I used to install when we had babies and toddlers in the house.

Those do sound nice! I'll have to see if I can find some. We don't have young children at the moment, but we foster kittens and I'm always worried one of them will get caught in the cord that raises and lowers the blinds.


Those sound very cool. I still have the old-fashioned kind with the cords to adjust the blinds up and down, and the cords drive me insane. I'm going to have to go look at these new blinds. Do they have them on display so you can actually test them out? I'd love to know how well they adjust without the cords.

I seen zero cords blinds in my kid's kindergarten and it is good for them as it's safe and you can control way you want. I planned to upgrade my one before lock down imposed in my area and now product is back order. This is disadvantage for me as we have small country and depends on supply from China.