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Outside projects

What is everyone doing outside for DIY projects? We are looking for some fun outdoor projects. We have already made new window flower boxes. We are pretty crafty.

One of our trees fell during a bad storm with heavy winds. Rather than let it go to waste, we turned it into a garden bench. It's nothing fancy, but it's perfect for us.

We installed a water fountain last weekend. It was easier to do than I expected. I love the way it sounds and the birds enjoy it too. I hope you find a fun project to do, mikeTT. Let us know how it goes.

We added a fish pond with a water fixture last weekend. This weekend we will put fish and toads in there.

Birds do love water fountains! The bench sounds really cool too.

We just made one of those swinging porch beds. The children wanted one so we made it. It actually goes on our back deck. It's loaded with pillows and cushions. I'm not going to lie, I could fall asleep on it!